The A-Team won their first sanctioned WFTDA game 

Photo: Jaime Torres Photo: Jaime Torres

October 17th, 2015
Barcelona Roller Derby A – GBGRD The A-Team

Saturday the 17th of October was a big day in the history of Gothenburg Roller Derby, as the A-Team played and won the league’s first sanctioned WFTDA game in Barcelona. 

Being one player short due to an injury, the A-Team still managed to take control of the game right from the start, with strong defensive play and quick and powerful offensive strategies. Barcelona Roller Derby played wholeheartedly with lots of big hits, but it wasn’t enough to break the visitors’ solid walls.

The A-Team jammers managed to take the big majority of the lead jammer statuses and stayed out of the penalty box, with the four jammers sharing only four penalties. Their clean play together with the blockers’ robust walls helped GBGRD A keep the lead throughout the whole game with a growing score difference. When the final whistle blew the score read 247-67 to Gothenburg’s advantage. The win being bigger than the Flattrack Stats had predicted, GBGRD A climbed on the European ranking from 76th to 62nd.

Before Gothenburg Roller Derby can get a WFTDA ranking, the A-Team needs to play three WFTDA games. The next one will be against Oslo Roller Derby in the Norwegian capital city on the 7th of November. 

Before travelling to Oslo both GBGRD teams will play one home game each on the 31st of October, as Hulls Angels and Uppsala Roller Derby pay them a visit at Lundbystrands Sporthallar.

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