November 22, Gothenburg Roller Derby takes on Dock City Rollers in a marvelous game. With both Gothenburg based teams on home turf, and our second game in the Swedish Roller Derby League, it's a time for a Roller Derby-derby!
You do not want to miss this!
Where: Angereds Sporthallar, Högaffelsgatan 11. tram/bus stop: Angered centrum
When: 22 November, 14.00 (doors open at 13.00)
Adults: 100 SEK at the door
Children 7-18 years: 60 SEK at the door.
Children under 7 years: Free
Pre sale: adults 80 SEK/ children 40 SEK
coming soon
There will be merch at sale, fika and more, so bring everyone you know!
Would you like to volunteer? Email Volunteer@gbgrollerderby.se for more information.
West Swedish Roller Derby society and Gothenburg Salty Seamen presents:
High five! - Let's Derby!
We call it a night where all are winners… Hometeam, away team and AUDIENCE!
Cause playing your 1st games is just like that - win every time. The body is like filled with happiness, tension and adrenaline. And all to the crowds delight.
So when Gothenburg Roller Derby B and Uppsala Roller Derby - Jackdaw City Rollers settle up there will be no expenses spared!
Also you will get to se Swedens best B’roller Derby players mix up and play for glory and fame together with a number of equal female peers!
13:30 Doors open
13.30 - 15.00 Sticky Skates will be at the venue
14:30 Game 1: Gothenburg Roller Derby B - Jackdaw City Rollers
16:30 Game 2: Team Sloppy - Team Bess with participants from Gothenburg Salty Seamen’s boot camp High Five! - Let's Booty!
At the door you pay the unbeatable prize of only 50 SEK!!! Cash only!
Darkness falls across the land and it is time to prepare. Forget everything you know about slow walking zombies with their arms out stretched. Roller Derby Zombies rolls fast, bloody and deadly.
25th october Gothenburg Roller Derby invites you to a doubleheader in the true spirit of the upcoming zombie apocalyps.
First game starts at 14.00 and GBGRD A plays their first game in the first swedish Roller Derby League going up against STRD.
At 16.30 it is time for GBGRD B to play their first game ever going up against STRD C stars.
You do not want to miss this!
Where: Angereds Sporthallar, Högaffelsgatan 11. Stop: Angered centrum
When: 25 october, 14.00 (doors open at 13.00)
Adults: 100 kr at the door
Children 7-18 years: 60 kr at the door.
Children under 7 years: Free
Prepaid tickets: adults 80 kr/ children 40 kr [COMING SOON]
There will be merch available, coffee and more, so bring everyone you know!
Would you like to volunteer? Email Volunteer@gbgrollerderby.se for more information.
(Bring your own brains)
Do you think that derby is the coolest thing on the planet, but feel like hits and bruises are not your thing? Gothenburg Roller Derby is always looking for new officials, both skating (referees) and non-skating (NSOs). If you are a man, woman or something else doesn’t matter. Welcome to an info-meeting where our amazing crew of officials will tell you all you need to know!
When: 23 September, 18.00
Where: Konferansrummet at Angered Arena
Check out the event for more info.
In space nobody can hear you scream, but in Gothenburg we'll make sure they'll hear you all the way to Mars!
On June the 7th it's time to pull on your space boots and float over to Lundbystrands idrottshallar.
It will be a historical brawl between Gothenburg Roller Derby and Windsor Roller Girls- The B-headers.
Where: Lundbystrandshallarna, Valdemar Noréns gata 19. Bus stops are Regnbågsgatan or Lindholmspiren with Älvsnabben.
When: 7th of June. Doors open at 15.00. Game starts at 16.00. Be there in time, there are often queues. Or buy a prepaid ticket!
Tickets: Adults pre-sale: 80kr or 100kr at the door
Children 7-18: pre-sale: 40kr or 60kr at the door
Children under 7: free
Get your presale tickets at Tickster: http://www.tickster.com/sv/events/9cajn2ht2dfknx7
There will be merch sales, coffee and more, so bring everyone you know!
Be there or be square!
It’s here!
It’s happening! Gothenburg’s very own out door track in Frihamnen is now ready for us! The three teams of Gothenburg invite you to our grand opening day on Saturday, 17th of may. It’s going to be an eventful day and evening with two roller derby games, various artists performing, wonderful food being served and the Gothenburg Tango association having a try-it! We will also arrange the greatest of ROLLER DISCOS –so come around, borrow skates from us and party the night away!
12.00 Grand opening – Femtastic
13.00 Game 1: Gothenburg Salty Seamen - Malmö Royal Roller Derby co-ed.
15.00 Open skate: Borrow your own wheels and give it a go!
16.45 Game 2: Mixed teams from Gothenburg Roller Derby and Dock City Rollers
18.30-20.30 Roller disco with the awesome hip hop-club Cake!
20.30-22.00 Milonga, Tango-try it + performance
It’s all for free, so gather your friends and come see us Saturday!
GBGRD invites you to our first homegame this spring.
We will meet Luleå Slaughters Daughters in a Rock ‘N’ Roll fight!
Where: Lundystrands Idrottshall, Valdemar Noréns gata
Bus stop: Regnbågsgatan (bus 16, 99, 31) alt. Lindholmspiren
Date: Saturday 10th of May
15:00 – Doors open
16:00 – Bout starts
By tickets at tickster.com
Adults, 80kr
Children 7-12y, 40kr
You can also buy tickets at the door (Please bring CASH!)
Adults, 100kr
Children 7-12y, 60kr
If you can’t make it to the game, check out the live streaming at:

Vi välkomnar vår nya sponsor Tailor Made Arkitekter, som med sitt bidrag hjälper oss att skaffa nya fräcka tävlingströjor!
Vill ni också stötta oss? Kontakta sponsring@gbgrollerderby.se
Gothenburg Roller Derby bjuder in till en tropisk stödfest till förmån för vårt eminenta A-lag!
Den 21 mars slår vi upp dörrarna till Kontiki. Vi kommer bjuda på dansanta DJ:s, lotterier med fabulösa priser, merchförsäljning och en chans att dansa med dina favoritspelare.
Kom och dela derbykärleken med oss!
Ålder: 18+
Pris: 60 kr (+20 kr garderob)
Plats: Kontiki, Storängsgatan 2, 413 19 Göteborg (hållplats Botaniska)
Tid: 21.00-02.00
Ifall du vill stödja laget men inte har tid att ta dig till festen kan du även ge ditt stöd via följande länk: