2015 > 03
Last Saturday Gothenburg Roller Derby had two Danish teams over for a double header in Angereds arena.
The first game, between GBGRD Badass Beavers and Aalborg Combat Bullies ended 99 – 276. The Danish team has only been bouting for about half a year, but has come a long way in those six months. Badass Beavers managed to keep up the spirit and scored 99 points, even though one of their main jammers got hurt and could not play the entire game.
The game between GBGRD The A-Team and Aarhus Derby Danes was a closer one. This was the second time the teams played each other and last time Aarhus won by 82 points. The A-Team was eager to get their revenge and took the lead as soon as the first whistle went off. They managed to keep their advantage through the whole game, but the point difference got smaller and smaller in the last trembling minutes of the game, which ended 177-150 in Gothenburg’s advantage.
We thank the Combat Bullies and the Derby Danes for two exciting games and a fun day of roller derby. Current ranking’s for Gothenburg Roller Derby’s teams are:
GBGRD The A-Team: 101
GBGRD Badass Beavers: 296

Photo: Daniel Good
March 7th 2015
GBGRD The A-Team - Zürich City RollerGirlz
This past weekend Gothenburg Roller Derby The A-Team went to Zürich to play Zürich City RollerGirlz. When they left Switzerland on the Sunday they had not only won the game, but also climbed 13 steps on the European Flat Track Stats ranking, where they now are ranked 109 in Europe.
The A-Team had a great start to the game. After the first jams the Swiss team was 40 points behind. Five minutes in to the game Zürich City RollerGirlz recovered and started scoring, but were not able to catch up with The A-team which consistently lead by 30-50 points.
It was a tough game with lots of good and hard blocking, which you can see on the relatively low scores. We thank Zürich City RollerGirlz for a great game, and are very proud of our win.
On the 14th of March we play this season’s last home game in Angered Arena. The A-Team are eager to take revenge on Aarhus Derby Danes, who beat them by 73 points in June of 2013. Badass Beavers are playing Aalborg Combat Bullies for the first time. Both teams need your support! Don’t miss it for the world.
More information here!