November 28th, 2015
GBGRD The A-Team - Luleå Roller Roller Derby
288- 87
November 29th, 2015
GBGRD The A-team - Royal Swedish Roller Derby
Last weekend of november Gothenburg Roller Derby hosted the second game weekend of the premier league of Swedish roller derby. The A-Team took on both Luleå Roller Derby and The Royal Swedish Roller Derby and won both games, which meant a second place in the Swedish ranking and a 44th place in the European ranking.
On Saturday The A-Team played Luleå Roller Derby’s Slaughter Daughthers. The teams played each other for the first time in Luleå in February of 2013, where Luleå won with a 27 point differential. Since then, the teams have played each other four times. The teams are very familiar with each other’s strengths and weaknesses, something that was shown on the track. This weekend, both teams showed that they were in control of their own game, with clean hits, good positional blocking and great walls. If you did not look at the score board, you would say the game was even. However, The A-Team kept and increased their lead throughout the game, that ended with a 201 point win for the home team.
On the next day The A-team played Royal Swedish Roller Derby. If the opponents on the Saturday were familiar that was not the case on the Sunday. The teams had not played each other for over two years, and both played hard to come out victorious. The A-teams blockers had a hard time containing the Royals jammers, who were both agile and strong, working their toe stops on the edge of the line. But The A-Team managed to take the lead in the first half, due to good offense strategies. The A-team’s jammers faced hard walls and blockers heavy hitting blockers, but they managed to pull through and earn Gothenburg the second victory for the weekend. Final score ended at 255-83 in favor of The A-Team.
We congratulate the team on reaching their goals for this first half of the season, winning six of seven games. With lots of dedication and hard work they have climbed the European ranking from 81st place in the beginning of the season to a 44th place. They now take a short break over Christmas, but will be back with full strength in January.
Don’t miss The Badass Beaver’s last game of the season on the 19th of December, when they take on Dock City Rollers Plan B for the second time this year. In January Plan B came out victorious after a close game. Come cheer on the Beavers’ as they retaliate.
November 7th, 2015
Oslo Roller Derby A – GBGRD The A-Team
November 7th, 2015
Oslo Tiger City Beasts – GBGRD Badass Beavers
Last Saturday The A-Team and the Badass Beavers travelled to Norway to meet the A- and B-team of Oslo Roller Derby.
For the first game The A-Team met Oslo Roller Derby A. Both teams started out strong, putting up slow moving walls against some really strong jammers. The A-Team managed to contain the Oslo jammers successfully through out the first period, taking the lead and getting that score difference to keep growing. Halftime scores read 55-119 in favour of The A-Team.
Oslo Roller Derby A stepped up their game for the second period and started to catch up to The A-Team and keeping everyone on their toes. However, The A-Team kept the lead through out the game . Final score ended at 131-164 in favour of The A-Team, marking yet another win for this season.
This was the second WFTDA sanctioned game for the league, getting us closer to a WFTDA ranking. We congratulate the team who are now preparing for their next game at the weekend of the Elite League of Roller Derby, 28-29 November.
The Badass Beavers met Oslo Tiger City Beasts in the second game of the day. The Badass Beavers took lead first jam showing some great offence play. The teams played a really close game with several lead changes through out the game. By the end of the first period, Oslo Tiger City Beasts had the lead with scores reading 77-63.
The second period showed to be even more exciting. Oslo Tiger City Beasts kept the lead through out the bigger part of the period, with the Badass Beavers in hot pursuit. After a chaotic last jam, keeping everyone at the edge of their seat, the Badass Beavers won the game by four points, leaving the final score at 176-180.
We congratulate the team on their first win this season, showing us they have really come far through hard work. They now prepare for their next game against Dock City Rollers Plan B, 19th December.
We also want to thank Oslo Roller Derby for being amazing hosts, we had a great time!
October 31st, 2015
GBGRD The A-Team – Hulls Angels Roller Dames
October 31st, 2015
GBGRD Badass Beavers – Uppsala Roller Derby - Jackdaw City Rollers
This past Saturday Gothenburg Roller Derby hosted a doubleheader where The A-Team met Hulls Angels Roller Dames and The Badass Beavers met Uppsala Roller derby – Jackdaw City Rollers.
First out was The A-Team against Hulls Angels Roller Dames. The A-Team took the lead in the first jam, and scored the first points of the day in the second jam. They performed strong walls and synchronised offences, getting their jammers out quickly. Hulls Angels kept their walls tight and slow, and covered the track efficiently. Hulls Angels couldn’t match The A-Team, leaving the halftime score at 188-35 in favour of The A-Team.
The A-Team kept playing a strong game through out the second period, with a steady growing score difference. Hulls Angels picked up their game, but could not catch up to The A-Team, who kept the lead the entire game. The final score ended at 361-85 in favour of The A-Team.
In January The A-Team where ranked 129 on the European Flat Track Stats Ranking. With this game The A-Team has climbed and are now ranked 50th, showing that all the hard work has paid off for the team.
The Badass Beavers started in the second game against Uppsala Roller Derby – Jackdaw City Rollers. It was an exciting game from the first jam, where Jackdaw earned lead jammer but which soon shifted to a power jam in favour of The Badass Beavers. It was an even game where the Badass Beavers kept the lead 20 minutes into the first period, then the lead changed.
At halftime Jackdaw City Rollers had the lead with the scores reading 126-109.
For the second period, the teams continued to play an exciting game with lots of hard hitting blockers and lateral jammers. The Badass Beavers could not catch up to Jackdaw City Rollers, and the game ended 187-239 in favour of Jackdaw City Rollers.
This was The Badass Beavers second game together this season, and they already show a lot of progress since their first game in Ludwigsburg a few weeks ago.
We would like to thank Hulls Angels Roller Derby and Jackdaw City Rollers for two great games and wish them well in their upcoming games.
Gothenburg Roller Derbys both teams are now preparing to meet Oslo Roller Derby and Tiger City Beasts. Come cheer for us on 7th November this Saturday in Oslo, you’ll find everything you need in their event here.

October 17th, 2015
Barcelona Roller Derby A – GBGRD The A-Team
Saturday the 17th of October was a big day in the history of Gothenburg Roller Derby, as the A-Team played and won the league’s first sanctioned WFTDA game in Barcelona.
Being one player short due to an injury, the A-Team still managed to take control of the game right from the start, with strong defensive play and quick and powerful offensive strategies. Barcelona Roller Derby played wholeheartedly with lots of big hits, but it wasn’t enough to break the visitors’ solid walls.
The A-Team jammers managed to take the big majority of the lead jammer statuses and stayed out of the penalty box, with the four jammers sharing only four penalties. Their clean play together with the blockers’ robust walls helped GBGRD A keep the lead throughout the whole game with a growing score difference. When the final whistle blew the score read 247-67 to Gothenburg’s advantage. The win being bigger than the Flattrack Stats had predicted, GBGRD A climbed on the European ranking from 76th to 62nd.
Before Gothenburg Roller Derby can get a WFTDA ranking, the A-Team needs to play three WFTDA games. The next one will be against Oslo Roller Derby in the Norwegian capital city on the 7th of November.
Before travelling to Oslo both GBGRD teams will play one home game each on the 31st of October, as Hulls Angels and Uppsala Roller Derby pay them a visit at Lundbystrands Sporthallar.

October 10th, 2015
Barockcity Rollerderby – GBGRD Badass Beavers
Last Saturday Gothenburg Roller Derbys B-team, The Badass Beavers, went to Ludwigsburg, Germany, to play their first international game ever against Barockcity Rollerderby.
Barockcity Rollerderby took the lead the first jam putting up strong walls and a lot of offence for their jammers. Although the Badass Beavers were off to a rocky start they put up a good fight, getting stronger throughout the game. At halftime Barockcity Rollerderby were in the lead, the scores reading 136-74.
For the second period Barockcity Rollerderby kept the pace up with a growing score difference. Both teams played hard and fair game with lots of heavy hits and strategic plays. The Badass Beavers were not able to match Barockcity Rollerderby this time, leaving the final score at 313-121 in favour of Barockcity Rollerderby.
For the Badass Beavers this was a great experience that they’ll take with them into their uppcoming game against Uppsala Roller Derby – Jackdaw City Rollers for the The Bout Witch Project, October 31st. This will be a doubleheader and the first home game for the season not only for the Badass Beavers but also for the The A-Team who will go up against Hulls Angels Roller Dames.

September 26th, 2015
Dock City Rollers A – GBGRD The A-Team
September 27th, 2015
GBGRD The A-Team – Stockholm BSTRDs
During the last weekend of September, the first games of the Elitserien (Premiere League) was played in Malmö, Sweden, where Crime City Rollers, Stockholm Roller Derby, Dock City Rollers and Gothenburg Roller Derby participated.
Saturday saw GBGRD The A-Team play Dock City Rollers A, who got a power jam in the second jam and quickly took a big lead. The A-Team was unable to catch up and Dock City Rollers A increased their lead steadily. At halftime, DCR A had 110 points, while GBGRD The A-Team counted 42 points.
For the second period, The A-Team came back on track with a higher energy level and stepped up their game, which still ended to DCR A:s advantage 202-101.
On Sunday, The A-Team played Stockholm BSTRDs, a team GBGRD have not played since November 2012. Back then, GBGRD won in the last jam by five points, but this time GBGRD took command from the start and kept their lead throughout the entire game.
For this game the A-Team brought a higher level of energy and play from the start than on the Saturday, and it payed off. The game ended 239-137 to GBGRD:s advantage.
The A-Team climbed four spots, from 80th to 76th on the European Flat Track Stats ranking during the weekend and the team members are reportedly very happy with their performance. Their next game will be in Barcelona on the 17th of October. That game will also be GBGRD:s first ever sanctioned WFTDA game.
This coming weekend the Badass Beavers are going to Ludwigsburg in Germany to play Barock City Roller Derby for their first-ever away game.
We wish both GBGRD teams good luck on their upcoming games.
If you want to see results from all of GBGRD:s games throughout the history of the league, please click here.
Last week Gothenburg Roller Derby started training again after six weeks of well-deserved derby vacation. Our league continues to grow and this autumn we welcome 12 new rookies and one transfer from Visby Valkyries.
The first practices, we have felt stronger and better than ever and we are now very excited to kick start this season. Both the A-Team and the Badass Beavers have new skaters and are thrilled to play games outside of Sweden, in Germany and Spain.
But before anyone travels that far, the A-Team will travel to Malmö to play both Dock City Rollers and Stockholm Roller Derby BSTRD:s in the first Elitserie weekend for this season. Elitserien is played for the second year in a row and this years’ competing teams are: Stockholm Roller Derby, Crime City Rollers, Dock City Rollers, Gothenburg Roller Derby, Luleå Roller Derby and The Royal Swedish Roller Derby.
On the 17th of October The A-Team will play their very first WFTDA game against Barcelona Roller Derby. This is a mile stone in the journey of Gothenburg Roller Derby and something we have been working towards for several years.
The weekend before that, Badass Beavers are travelling to Ludwigsburg in Germany to play Barock City Roller Derby. This will be our B-teams first ever away-game, another big mile stone for us.
For more information about our teams’ games this season, please look at the tour dates section of our homepage.
The A-team´s new roster
Die Mauer #0030
Exe Q T #403
Fearhunter #51
Fia med Knuff #61
Fred Finta #1618
Juicefine Machine #71
Julie Jet #44
Mithra #209
One Woman Army #621
Polly Morphic #273
Rainbow Rebellion #34
Stoppless #414
Voi Vittu #0980
Vulvo Amazon #56
Badass Beaver´s new roster
Achtung Schlachtung 0691
Arty #85
Belle-in the Beast #247
Carrie #036
Cherryfuck #69
Foxy Fistfight
Graceful Gravedigger #13
Kallio #019
Nacho Friend #4
Punkster Fofa #354
RAWRy Killmore #42
RToBeatU #042
Smal Somal #035
sMocolicious #77™
Swaggy #2
Viva Las Big Ass #182
July 5th 2015
Stockholm Roller Derby Allstars – GBGRD The A-Team
July 6th 2015
Dock City Rollers – GBGRD The A-Team
In the first week of July a long season peaked for The A-Team with the Swedish roller derby championships in Sundsvall and a fourth place. Having ended fourth in the two prior championships the goal this year was to finally get that bronze medal.
Throughout the season the team has been focused on this goal by increasing both on- and off skates training, physical as well as psychological. Although it didn’t last all the way the A-Team showed great improvement, bettering their result against the reigning bronze medallists Dock City Rollers.
Last time the two teams from Gothenburg played each other Dock City Rollers won by 258 points. At the Swedish championships they defended their medal but this time only with a margin of 75 points. During the first period of the game the scores were even with lots of lead changes. Dock City Rollers pulled away towards the end of the first period and left Gothenburg Roller Derby unable to catch up.
– We came fourth again, but it is OK, because we feel like we have won. We went there as a team, we played as a team and we lost as a team. This year we have developed at rocket speed, more than any other team, said Die Mauer, blocker for The A-Team after the championships.
Gothenburg Roller Derby also played Stockholm Roller Derby Allstars in the semi final. Stockholm Roller Derby, which is one of the highest ranked teams in the world, won by 365-40. They later went on to win the championships for the third year in a row.
Gothenburg Roller Derby would like to thank everyone who made the Swedish championships in Sundsvall possible: volunteers, NSO:s, referees, skaters, the audience and last but definitely not least the organisers.
We would also like to congratulate Stockholm Roller Derby on their win, Crime City Rollers on their second place and Dock City Rollers on their third place. Lastly we congratulate The Royal Army on their win in Division 1 and welcome them to Elitserien. We look forward to playing you soon. We also look forward to meeting Luleå roller derby who defended their spot for the upcoming season.
A few weeks of derby vacation awaits and in the end of August the draft of next season’s A-Team will be held. They will play the first game of the season against Barcelona in October, which will also be Gothenburg Roller Derby’s first WFTDA game.
May 23rd 2015
Västerås Rollerderby – GBGRD The A-Team
Gothenburg Roller Derby, The A-Team, traveled to Västerås for the last game of this years swedish roller derby league, going up against Västerås Rollerderby. The A-Team walked away with the win and are now ready to compete in the Swedish Championships this summer in Sundsvall. The A-Team also climbed one step on the European Flat Track Stats and are now ranked 85 in Europe.
The A-Team took the lead in the first jam against Västerås Rollerderby and played a steady game. With a lead around 20-30 points The A-Team went into the second period with an upper hand. For the second period The A-Team kept up the score difference and Västerås Rollerderby was not able to catch up. The A-Team kept the lead through out the game ending with a score of 133-175.
It was a very exciting game with lots of good offence play. We are very proud of our win and we thank Västerås Rollerderby for a great game. This win qualifies Gothenburg Roller Derby The A-Team for the Swedish Championships which takes place the on 4th and 5th of July in Sundsvall. We'll see you there!
Get all the updates about the Swedish Championships here.
May 9th 2015
LRD Slaughter Daughters – GBGRD The A-Team
The A-Team travelled to the northern parts of Sweden to play Luleå Roller Derby's Slaughter Daughters for the second to last game in the Swedish roller derby league for both teams. The A-Team won over Slaughter Daughters and are now one step closer to competing in the Swedish championship in July. The A-Team also climbed on the European Flat Track Stats and are now ranked 86 in Europe.
The A-Team took the lead first jam and started out with a steady growing score difference. Halfway through the first period the scoreboard read 2-49 in favour of The A-Team. Slaughter Daughters picked up the pace and started to catch up leaving the scores 49-74 at halftime. The A-Team kept the lead from start through out the second period as well ending the game with a final score of 98-187.
It was a tough game with strong walls and hard hitting as well as strong and sneaky jamming. We thank Luleå Roller Derby for a great game and an amazing weekend up north. Read more about the game in a local newspapers sport section here.
For their next game The A-Team travel to Västerås to play Västerås Roller Derby for their last game leading up to the Swedish championship. Join us in Västerås the 23rd May and cheer for The A-Team.
This March Gothenburg Roller Derby was accepted as a full member of WFTDA - Women’s Flat Track Derby Association, after approximately 1,5 years participation in their apprentice program. WFTDA is the international governing body of roller derby and a membership organization for leagues to collaborate and network. As new Class C members we can now enjoy the benefits of full WFTDA membership, including competing in sanctioned games, attending the WFTDA Annual Meeting and becoming eligible for rankings.
We are very excited to be a part of such a strong international roller derby organization and community and we are looking forward to the educational opportunities as well as expanding as a league and joining in developing international roller derby.
Two other Swedish are full WFTDA members: Stockholm roller derby and Crime city roller. Several other Swedish leagues have apprentice status. We are happy to take the third spot as full members in Sweden and have great hopes for the future!
Last Saturday Gothenburg Roller Derby had two Danish teams over for a double header in Angereds arena.
The first game, between GBGRD Badass Beavers and Aalborg Combat Bullies ended 99 – 276. The Danish team has only been bouting for about half a year, but has come a long way in those six months. Badass Beavers managed to keep up the spirit and scored 99 points, even though one of their main jammers got hurt and could not play the entire game.
The game between GBGRD The A-Team and Aarhus Derby Danes was a closer one. This was the second time the teams played each other and last time Aarhus won by 82 points. The A-Team was eager to get their revenge and took the lead as soon as the first whistle went off. They managed to keep their advantage through the whole game, but the point difference got smaller and smaller in the last trembling minutes of the game, which ended 177-150 in Gothenburg’s advantage.
We thank the Combat Bullies and the Derby Danes for two exciting games and a fun day of roller derby. Current ranking’s for Gothenburg Roller Derby’s teams are:
GBGRD The A-Team: 101
GBGRD Badass Beavers: 296

Photo: Daniel Good
March 7th 2015
GBGRD The A-Team - Zürich City RollerGirlz
This past weekend Gothenburg Roller Derby The A-Team went to Zürich to play Zürich City RollerGirlz. When they left Switzerland on the Sunday they had not only won the game, but also climbed 13 steps on the European Flat Track Stats ranking, where they now are ranked 109 in Europe.
The A-Team had a great start to the game. After the first jams the Swiss team was 40 points behind. Five minutes in to the game Zürich City RollerGirlz recovered and started scoring, but were not able to catch up with The A-team which consistently lead by 30-50 points.
It was a tough game with lots of good and hard blocking, which you can see on the relatively low scores. We thank Zürich City RollerGirlz for a great game, and are very proud of our win.
On the 14th of March we play this season’s last home game in Angered Arena. The A-Team are eager to take revenge on Aarhus Derby Danes, who beat them by 73 points in June of 2013. Badass Beavers are playing Aalborg Combat Bullies for the first time. Both teams need your support! Don’t miss it for the world.
More information here!
It's been 370 years since Sweden and Denmark laid down arms and The Battle At Ranängen marked the end of the Hannibalfeud. The 14th March the Danes returns to Gothenburg, this time for a close encounter at Angered Arena. During two games Gothenburg will defend Hisingen from the Danes attempt of occupation.
You do not want to miss this!
Angereds Sporthallar, Högaffelsgatan 11. tram/bus stop: Angered centrum
13.00 Doors open
14.00 Gothenburg Roller Derby Badass Beavers vs Aalborg Combat Bullies
16.30 Gothenburg Roller Derby The A-Team vs Aarhus Derby Danes
Adults: 100:- door
Children 7-18 years: 60:- door.
Children under 7 years: Gratis
Pre sale: adults 80:-/ children 40:-
Would you like to volunteer? Email Volunteer@gbgrollerderby.se for more information.