Presenting our two teams

Here they are - the two teams that will be representing Gothenburg Roller Derby this fall! They are The A-Team and Badass Beavers. They are training hard each week and will be playing several games this season.

The A-Team

The team is happy to see two new faces on their charter, as well as several transition skaters. They are looking forward to a season consisting of training hard and developing new strategies, making the players even better at the things they're already good at. The A-Team will be heading to Malmö on November 12, where they will face off against Roller Derby Madrid in a WFTDA sanctioned game.

The captains for The A-Team are Vulvo Amazon #56 and Rainbow Smash #34. The captains for The A-Team are Vulvo Amazon #56 and Rainbow Smash #34.

Badass Beavers

This season, the team consists of approximately 50% experienced players, and 50% new eager players, perfect conditions in other words. Badass Beavers will play 3-4 games this fall, with their main goal being an away game against Vienna's B-team on November 5. The team is focusing on making use of every player's experiences and knowledge, as well as giving everyone a chance to develop according to their own abilities.

The captains for Badass Beavers are Rollosaurus Flex #7 and Pain Gretzky #404. The captains for Badass Beavers are Rollosaurus Flex #7 and Pain Gretzky #404.

We are super proud of our teams and know they will blow everyone away out on the track! It is going to be an exciting season and we can't wait for the first game.

Keep checking our website as well as social media for news on upcoming games.



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